This lineup persisted until the band’s self-destruction in August of 1987. Pezzati’s other obligations precipitated his departure from the band in 1984, when he was replaced by Dave Riley, bass player for Chicago swing-punk band Savage Beliefs. During this period, the band established itself as a live act, recorded two more records, the Bulldozer EP and the Racer X EP, toured the U.S., and had -in general – a pretty good time. After that record’s release, Jeff Pezzati (singer for Naked Raygun) and Santiago Durango (Naked Raygun, Arsenal), both linchpins of the burgeoning Chicago music scene, joined Big Black. Lungs was recorded in his apartment on a borrowed 4-track for the price of one case of beer. Steve Albini, then a sophomore at Northwestern University, fanzine writer and loudmouth, released the Lungs EP on the Chicago co-operative label Ruthless (whose other artists at the time included Naked Raygun and the Effigies). To put this release into context for the uninformed: Big Black began in 1982. It also comes with a double sided insert and a digital download coupon. This remastered version of Atomizer also includes the song “Strange Things” which appeared on the first pressing, but was not present on subsequent vinyl pressings nor on The Rich Man’s Eight Track CD. To save you having to do the math in your head, yes, that makes this a 30th anniversary reissue. “Originally released in 1985, and now remastered by Steve Albini and Bob Weston at Chicago Mastering, Big Black’s first full-length album Atomizer will be re-released in September 2015. It’s the auditory equivalent of crashing through the windshield of your car and then skidding on your face for a block and living to tell the tale. So, there’s so much to love about this album. I’ve made a small list below of just SOME of the stuff we’ve put out recently to whet your appetite. Probably for the best though, we’ve got a major backlog going on here now. Well, I think today is the first day in about a week and a half that I DIDN’T buy any used records for the shop.